Friday, July 26, 2013

5 Things I Experienced After Leaving Facebook

I finally did it! After all my big talk about leaving Facebook - I did it. Well, kind of. My account is still active because it connects me to a few important work groups and most importantly my music on Spotify.

5 Things I experienced when I quit Facebook

1. Facebook withdrawals.
Yes, this is true. I found myself picking up my phone subconsciously looking for the Facebook icon. Sure enough it wasn't there. This would happen while I was driving, intermittently at work and for the first day or so the moment I woke up in the morning.

2. Close friends do not need Facebook to stay in touch.
The 200 friends that I had on Facebook - I am close friends to maybe 10 of them. Sure, I missed reading everyone's posts, but honestly after a few days without it I didn't miss it all. I realized that it takes more energy to get caught up with my acquaintances than I needed to expend. And for what.... nothing more than "feeling" connected.

3. Less people piss me off.
Honestly, there is too much drama on Facebook. At times I found myself criticizing people that I barely knew. Whether it was over politics, religion or comments that I took too seriously.  Come to think of it, I probably piss less people off too.

4. Focusing more on work.
During my work hours I spent more time on Facebook than I would like to admit. It was so easy to jump on and check one thing or two and then before I knew it the time flew by.

5. My mind is more clear.
Since I do not have these random things clouding my mind I feel so much more clear and productive with my time.

This was like a drug to me - I am an advocate of most drugs at least within reason, but this is not within reason for me. It is ridiculous and embarrassing to admit how much time I spent. I guess this was my way to feel connected to people. I have decided to go "old school"! More phone calls, letters, emails, lunch or dinner dates, and drinks after work with all my close peeps.

I haven't given up on all social media. You can find me on Twitter @millermel, Instagram - milleramel, or LinkedIn - Melissa Miller.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I did a Facebook detox over Lent the last couple of years and the first week was TOUGH. Then it got easier and before you know it, I didn't miss it all! I've cut back my Facebook use a ton but still check in as I manage a few pages - and, as much as I've explored other resources, it's the best way to promote my work. I totally agree, though, that it can be addicting but letting it go can be very liberating. I used to have a horrible problem of comparing myself to others, but now I focus on MY journey. :)
